Prodect Servis

Stone Crusher

Stone Crusher is one of the best treatment for kidney stones. Quantity - 10gm

Stone crushers are very rare and effective medicine(best treatment for kidney stones) made from precious herbs, which have proved to be effective in extracting kidney stones up to 20 mm. The first volume of this drug starts affecting the kidney stone.

Consumption method: - There are 4 doses in a box of Stone Crushers, it has to be eaten for 4 days regularly, for which every dose has to eat on 3 adults (large size) leaves of Bryophyllum pinnatum (Pattharchatta) in the morning on empty stomach. after taking this medicine do not eat any type of food for 1 to 2 hours, can take water or juice only in this duration.

Caution: - Do not eat brinjal, tomato, jackfruit, chili peel and seeds, pomegranate seeds, jam fruit grains, do not eat food made from milk, eggs, meat, etc.

Dietary: - Drink at least 6-8 liter of water a day it is extremely beneficial for good results.