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Weight Loss 60 CAPSULES

Weight Loss 60 CAPSULES

Resizer made by Pharma Science is highly hygienically prepared from high-quality raw materials where Garcinia Cambogia is 60% HCA (hydroxy citric acid) and green coffee in the ratio of 50% CGA (chlorogenic acid).

Let us know in detail about the properties of these two elements.

I. Garcinia Cambogia: - It is a fruit originally found in the evergreen forests of South Asia, Africa, and India, which has a shape and structure like a small pumpkin, the hydroxycitric acid found in it causes the calcium to be collected in the body. It also prevents the accumulation of body fat (fat) and controls obesity rapidly by accelerating metabolism. Much research has also revealed that Garcinia Cambogia is a very effective drug for weight loss and in a short time, obesity can be controlled.

Hydroxycitric acid also increases stamina (endurance) in the body, so that one does not feel tired quickly when exercising. 

Other benefits of Garcinia Cambogia

1. It reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.

2. Accelerates metabolism.

3. Reduces stress.

4. Controls blood sugar.

II. Green coffee: - Although green coffee also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, but from the point of view of weight loss, Chlorogenic acid, which is an anti-oxidant, is the alpha of chlorogenic acid present in the body. -Glucosidase affects the function of inhibitors, which prevents the carbohydrates in the body from freezing in the cells, as well as prevents metabolism by preventing overeating, which helps in rapid weight loss; In the context of chlorogenic acid, there is a special thing that chlorogenic acid is found only in green coffee, it is almost destroyed in roasted coffee seeds.

Other benefits of green coffee

1. It is helpful in reducing blood pressure.

2. Along with reducing obesity, it is also very beneficial in controlling type-2 diabetes.

3. Chlorogenic acid is also very helpful in beating cancer.